Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Friend of Sinners

A recurring charge against Jesus while he lived here on earth was that he was a friend of sinners. That he would eat with them and allow them to touch him offended and scandalized the good people who were just trying to preserve their church and its traditions. It offended them to the point that when they were given the choice to free Jesus or a notorious criminal they chose the criminal. He posed no threat to their way of doing things.
During the event of crucifixion, the people who were closest to Jesus were thieves. The only one who spoke up to affirm Jesus' divinity was a Roman centurian, whose ethnicity prohibited his participation in "church". None of the "good" people were with him. They either cheered his death or felt that Jesus had failed them.

Today, no one calls me a friend of sinners. I am convicted by that fact.

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