Tuesday, June 16, 2009

FLiC Update

The improvements to the FLiC are beginning to take shape. The new roof is installed. This means that the youth don't have to put out buckets when it rains anymore. The skylights have been removed so there can be complete control of the lighting environment. The new rock veneer is up on the front. The changes inside have been dramatic, but you haven't seen anything, yet! As the finishing touches begin, your eyes will boggle; Boggle, I say. I just want to take this opportunity to make sure that the youth of Lakeside/Highpointe know that this is being done because the church leadership loves you and believes in you. There are many projects that need to be done in the main building, but the FLiC projects were moved to the front of the line because our spiritual leaders recognize the incredibly important role you play in the Kingdom of God.

I know that just because we are located in a nice part of town, it doesn't mean that the young people here don't have real problems. I know that issues like eating disorders, same sex attraction, cutting, drugs, promiscuity and pornography are affecting not only other people's kids, they are affecting our church kids as well. The addition of the Loft and the repairs to the FLiC are just one way to give a tangible message of our love and committment to young people. The goal is that a friendly environment such as the Loft will encourage youth to seek loving counsel and support as they find life's answers in the unconditional love of Christ. But know this; we aren't building a safe hangout for our kids so they will not have to encounter "worldly" kids. We are building it so that young people who are in the midst of the struggle can find peace in the love of God.

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