Sunday, March 30, 2008

What is more important? part 5

Fellowship with the body of believers in the local church is crucial to the strength of the individual believer. When we come together, we strengthen and encourage one another. Fellowship has at its core the idea of "being there" for one another.

We are also stewards of assets that have been provided by the faithful giving of the members of our church family, and as such we have a responsibility to maintain them. Being good members of our neighborhood requires that we keep the appearance of our facilities attractive.

The problems arise when we elevate the relationships we share with our friends above the need to reach our world for Christ, or when we become so obsessed with our creature comforts that all of the tithe and offering is consumed in maintaining our own comfort.

Matthew tells us that if we will seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, all of these "things" will be provided as well. But when we make maintenance and comfort of our existing members our first priority, we are placing the kingdom of God in second place. Then we just become a clubhouse instead of a house of God, and there is no guarantee of blessing on that.

Let's all keep our hearts sensitive to the needs of those who are not yet believers, and make sure that we are providing opportunities to disciple the children and youth of the church along with the new believers God is sending our way. We will be blessed beyond measure.