Friday, March 7, 2008

Giving the church away Part 4

So where are we going with all of this? I envision a multi-generational church where everyone cuts everyone a little slack. The church always belongs to the next generation. If I never hear a song from my generation, or if I never experience the type of services that I enjoyed as a young person, my soul is anchored to the Rock. The next generation needs to be finding, singing and growing in the experiences of today to anchor their souls so that they can give the church away to the next generation. My generation needs to express love and concern for the young. We need to be helping the young with many practical expressions of wisdom and understanding without insisting on our preferences. The young generation needs to reach out to the older generation and give the gift of energy and excitement that is the special gift of the young.

My generation needs to continue to be faithful in giving tithes and offerings even when we are not totally comfortable in the worship service, because giving is not tied to performance, it is an act of worship. The young generation needs to learn how to give, now. The young will find that giving is not only financial. The gift of time and talents is an extremely valuable gift, and it is the one what will truly bring you into deep fellowship with the entire body of believers.

The church has always been one generation away from extinction, but I am confident that the hand-off is taking place and that our next generation will do things for the cause of Christ that we cannot even dream of today. I know that I am doing everything in my power to give the church away in great shape, so the next generation can do all that God is calling them to do.

Will you join me?


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Randy, for your candor and challenge. You are saying stuff for the church nationwide.

Anonymous said...

Yes - I will join with both feet forward! This awesome relationship to which we are called in Christ is simply too wonderful to not share.

I faced some challenges that seemed overwhelming, as if I would drown in the face of it all. Yet I realized - GOD IS STILL GOD - not matter what things look like! No matter the style - He still is. And His love for me and you does not change.

The question is not about His acceptance - it is will we accept Him and worship Him - even in new ways ... count me in!