Sunday, March 23, 2008

Bathroom Remodeling Dreams

My daughter Elizabeth had a dream about our bathroom renovation project at the church. She sent me this e-mail:

I had the craziest dream last night about the new Lakeside bathroom. I was visiting the church and had to go. Instead of remodeling the men's room, you had remodeled the women's room and simply switched the signs, giving the women the old men's room. You put two toilets in one stall and one toilet in the other, so everyone was waiting for the stall that had only one toilet. However, the door was only about two feet tall, so everyone could see you anyway. To "make things better" you had one of the men stand in there and tell knock knock jokes! It was bad.

It sounds like Elizabeth knows how I might do things if I were left alone.


Kayla said...

All I could think was that I would go to the bathroom behind the conference room. And HAHAHA!!

Carina Coderis said...

:) haha... that was funny! well i found your blog interesting... in case you need ideas for bathroom renovation, i recommend this site to you :) Bathroom Renovation NYC Thanks!