Monday, March 17, 2008

The Miracle of Salvation

After yesterday's great AM worship experience, I got to thinking about what a miracle it is when someone asks Christ to be the Lord of his or her life. I grew up in church, so I have always heard the gospel. It was not a real stretch for me to accept Christ because my parents and most of the authority figures in my life were believers. But when I think of those who come to Christ without benefit of that sort of christian environment, it really is a miracle.
If someone grows up in a non-believing environment, he has to accept that a creator God that he has never seen sent his son to earth 2000 years ago to pay the price for transgressions that the nonbeliever is not sure are valid. Then he is to believe that the Son of God returned from death and resumed his place with God, and that by believing this, the nonbeliever can qualify for eternal life with God.
I don't have any arguments that are logical or persuasive enough to make anyone believe this. I can (and have to) tell someone this story. Only the Holy Spirit can make it make sense to the nonbeliever, and if He does, it means that the infinite creator God is focusing His attention on one guy at a specific time with the sole purpose of drawing the nonbeliever to Him.
And this happened 5 times in our service Sunday morning. Is there any word better suited to this than miraculous?

1 comment:

Barbie said...

It was not a real stretch for me to accept Christ because my parents and most of the authority figures in my life were believers. But when I think of those who come to Christ without benefit of that sort of christian environment, it really is a miracle.
I guess I see this as a person who didn't grow up in a Christian home. I think the fact that YOU choose it is a miracle. I was a bus kid who went because it was a great babysitter for my parents...when someone took the time to share Jesus with me I NEEDED Him! To me that isn't a miracle:-) It turned out to be the best thing that happened to me!!
Yesterday was a wonderful service and touched me in a different way...I know he was talking about salvation but I couldn't help but think that Florida was my "host plant" and now for the first time *I* am flying;-)