Saturday, January 3, 2009

WMS2 report

The World Missions Summit II has to be judged as a great success. It was very well organized, the venue was very well suited to the event, the exhibits were interesting and informational, and the services were incredible. Kudos to everyone who was involved in organizing and administering this event.

The message on Wednesday evening delivered by Dick Brogden was a highlight for me. I feel that my generation has failed to engage the young adults in large part because we have made church too "nice" and have catered to the wishes of the members so that we won't lose their "partnership" which is church code for offerings. Because of this, many young adults find church boring and irrelevant.

The message Dick Brogden delivered was neither boring nor irrelevant. His outline was simple and strong. He said that we must be willing to try, willing to cry, and willing to die in proclaiming the truth of the gospel to the "inconvenient" lost. I can't imagine many pastors feeling that they could survive preaching a message with a point entitled willing to die, but it is the exact message we are needing to hear. Those who attended the WMS2 want to be a part of something real, life changing, and eternal, and the gospel is all of that. (The real, ancient gospel, that is, not the north american 20th century version)

I have had confidence for several years that this current generation will use the tools developed by earlier generations, benefitting from the incredible sacrifices of pioneer ministries around the world, and make an impact that is unimaginable for the Kingdom in these last days.

I am grateful that I had the opportunity to be in the room with 4000 world changers for these last few days.

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