Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Traveling Light

As Carole and I have traveled to many various places we have become better packers. If you travel often, even for overnighters, you will notice things you take that you never use. When I first started traveling I imagined all manner of situations and packed items I imagined I needed for those situations. What happened is that either those situations never arose, or they arose when I was separated from the item I packed for that situation, so I made do with what I had.
My packing list now is quite small and the items I take are well trusted. I can go out for the day with only a few things in my pockets and return to my stuff at the end of the day without missing anything I didn't bring.

It really doesn't take much to live well when you think about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I love this. Seriously.