Friday, October 30, 2009

Crisis of Faith

I would guess that every serious follower of Christ goes through a time of questioning, or a "crisis of faith". I know I did. A number of years ago several events occurred in my life that caused me to reevaluate every part of my belief system. I started at the existence of God and the reliability of the Bible, and went from there. I asked myself the question, "Do I believe this because it is all I have ever known, or do I believe it because it's true?"

I realized very quickly that it was nice that I knew what I believed, and it is important is to know why I believe it. What is most important is to know if what I believe will actually hold up under the pressures of life and the promise (or threat) of eternity.

I emerged from my crisis of faith with a simpler, stronger faith that can go with me into every situation. It is not dependent on my relationships with others, it will hold up regardless of financial situations, health issues, or political legislation. I discarded many things that I once felt were really important and found that I no longer have to "fake it till I make it". I don't have to have to put on a happy face when events knock the props out from under me. I don't have to pretend that I am perfect when I know what I really am. I don't have to pretend that nothing bad is happening to me even though it is evident to everyone else. But I have an inner peace that allows me to face those trials and disappointments without sacrificing my joy. I have learned to embrace the challenges of life and see how they are working in me to bring me closer to God. I am learning to release the outcomes I desire in favor of the outcomes God wants. That doesn't mean I am having a good time during the trial; it means that I know that God is working in each of these situations for my ultimate good. I am grateful for the events that caused my crisis of faith. They caused my faith to grow stronger.

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