Friday, October 16, 2009

Highway Construction

On our way home from the Grand Canyon last Tuesday night, we hit rain when we got to Amarillo. A few miles east of Amarillo we came to some road construction. It was dark and rainy; we were tired from driving all day. As we hurdled down the highway we encountered the orange barrels always found at highway construction sites. The barrels were arranged in such a way that they caused us to turn off the road and away from the construction area. We slowed down, slightly, but we willingly allowed the barrels to guide us off of the road and into the unknown. The darkness and the rain kept us from being able to see more than a short distance in front of the car. I couldn't help but think, "We don't know who put those barrels there or where they are leading us. They could be part of some cruel trick to steer us to a horrible death into a massive pit full of other fooled cars." But still we went blindly along where the barrels led us. Fortunately, no one was playing a trick on us and we made it home safely.

I realized that am willing to place my faith in unknown highway workers of unknown character and motivation and drive at full speed down a dark and rainy road. But so often, I am unwilling to trust God when he desires to lead me to an unknown outcome. I insist that he turn on all the lights and let me see where I will end up before I follow. Of course, he doesn't do that, so at times I have just parked and waited for daylight. Even though I have a life-long relationship with God, and know him to have my best interests at heart, my actions show that I suspect that he is trying to trick me when he leads me down that dark road.

Why do I trust the unknown highway worker more than I trust God?

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