Saturday, April 4, 2009

Two Prayers

Two thieves hung on crosses next to Jesus. Both were enduring the same pain. Both saw the same things, heard the same sounds. Both heard Jesus' response to the taunting and jeering. They heard him pray that those who were tormenting him would be forgiven for doing it. Both recognized that there was something entirely different about Jesus. One turned on Jesus and said in effect, "Since you're so special, do something special and get us out of here." The other turned to Jesus and asked to be remembered when all of the events of the last moments of their lives had played out.

If the first thief had seen his request granted, the thieves would have been returned to their lives of violence, treachery and fear. When the second thief received the answer to his request, he received much more than he asked for. He received paradise.

Two people sit in the same church auditorium. They hear the same message and music. One prays, "God, I want you get me out the jam I'm in." The other prays, "God, I ask you to forgive me . I want to know you." Which is more likely to get more than he asked for?

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