Friday, April 3, 2009

A tale of two funerals

There are two funerals scheduled for today. One is for a minister who lived his life well in committed service to God. He lived to be a ripe, old age and his passing was not unexpected. Today's service will be a celebration of his life and the positive effect he had on a generation.

The other funeral is for a man in the prime years of his life who leaves a mom, a wife and two children with many questions. Just a couple of months ago he was involved in a serious car accident that left him comatose for several weeks. Miraculously he emerged from the coma and left the hospital a few days later with only a broken ankle separating him from complete recovery. If anyone has ever been given a second chance at life, it was he. Monday night he was involved in another car accident. He did not survive this one.

I have many more questions than answers. I am attending this funeral today.

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