Saturday, April 25, 2009

Balance- part 3

The church that is overly focused on mission can seem like an awesome church to someone who is focused on evangelistic results. This church is constantly reaching out and trying new ways to reach the lost. They will post impressive numbers of conversions and have incredible stories of changed lives. They will tell exciting stories that challenge us and make us wonder if we should be doing that sort of thing. We all feel a little guilty when we hear from the totally mission focused church. However, without a balance of fellowship and community, the mission focused church can descend in pride in their focus. They can assume a feeling of superiority and feel that they are the only ones who are doing it right. They sneer at the fluffiness of church gatherings that are social in nature. They begin to withdraw from fellowship with other churches because they are seen as a waste of time.

Admittedly, there are not that many churches that fall into this camp. It is far easier to get into the comfort of traditions. Tomorrow I'll begin to talk about what a balanced church looks like.

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