Thursday, April 23, 2009


Every church has to revisit its reason for existing on a regular basis. There has to be balance in ministry focus to remain healthy. Churches can get out of balance very easily and for easily defendable reasons. A church can get out of balance by putting too much emphasis on meeting the needs of existing members. What begins as a proper emphasis on community can become a transformation into a country club, where members pay tithes and expect good service. This happens when fellowship takes precedence over mission. On the other hand, a church can become so mission focused, it uses up the energy and goodwill of its members and leaves them worn out and disillusioned. When there is only mission, there is no community. When there is only community, there is no mission. Both are necessary for a healthy church.

I'll go into more detail tomorrow.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

That is so funny! Mark and I have been talking about this a lot. I'm ready for the next post.