Sunday, March 1, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

I saw the movie "Slumdog Millionaire" the other night and I enjoyed it immensely. I thought the story was well told and I liked the ending. The storyline that captivated me was that of the two brothers, both of whom had lived a hardscrabble life of tragedy, poverty and abuse. The older brother's response to the cruelty perpetrated on him was to become cruel. He aligned himself with gangsters and lived a life of looking out for himself. The younger brother suffered the same indignities, but became innovative and giving, giving both love and resources to the people in his life. The events that hardened his brother, sharpened him.

In life, we all experience great joys and unfair outcomes. Our response to the unfair and painful things of life is completely in our control. We can be hardened or we can be sharpened. We can to learn to reject or embrace vulnerability; we can choose to love others or only ourselves. The most powerful tool we have at our disposal is forgiveness. If we can learn to truly forgive others, we can experience liberating joy. If we learn to accept the forgiveness of Jesus, we can experience liberating joy for eternity. His forgiveness, available to all, came after he experienced unimaginable unfairness and pain. He still forgives all who will accept it.

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