Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Best Ministry

From time to time I will visit with someone who is passionately involved in an area of ministry. He or she is fully invested in that area of ministry and sees positive outcomes from ivolvement in that ministry. It isn't uncommon for that person to say something along the lines of "I believe that _____ ministry is the most effective ministry in the whole church." I will smile and listen further. It is a wonderful thing when someone is in their "sweet spot" of ministry and feels incredibly effective by being involved in it. Sometimes, however, I sense that the person's agenda is one of, "If funding and recognition of my ministry would increase and if we de-emphasized these other less effective ministries, we would go places." Or, "anyone who really cares about the Kingdom of God is doing this kind of ministry."

We must be careful not to make more of our area of ministry than it deserves. We are ministering to a "body" of believers, and every part of the body needs attention. Rejoice that you have found a fulfilling area of ministry. But remember that the answer to the question, "What is the most effective ministry of the church?" is both "Mine" and "All of them are needed and effective."

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