Wednesday, March 4, 2009

OK, What's gong on?

Last night I had a conversation with a friend of mine. He is a great guy with a passion to share Christ with as many people as possible. But he was puzzled. He knows that he can't strongarm anyone into making a profession of faith. He said early in his Christian life he tried that without success. He knows that he must show love and not be judgemental. So he has tried to befriend people who practiced life choices obviously in conflict with scripture and keep his mouth shut while he attempted to be their friend. But the last few people he led to Christ were people who he had just blasted with the gospel, not holding back at any level.

We want so desperately to have a procedure to follow to lead someone to Christ, but people refuse to answer the questions the way they are supposed to. Tomorrow I'll talk a little about this and see if we can make some sense of this whole "sharing our faith" thing.

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