Saturday, February 14, 2009

Showing off

At the end of our trip we went on Safari in Kenya. We stayed at a really nice place and the "tents" we stayed in rivaled the best hotel rooms I have been in. One midday I was sitting and reading in a chair in front of my tent. I noticed out of the corner of my eye something moving on the ground. It was a small white bug that looked either like a small white flower, or a large snowflake, and it completed its trek across the patio. There were birds of many descriptions flitting from bush to bush and singing their various songs. A few minutes later I noticed a movement and just a few feet away from me appeared two tiny deerlike creatures called dikdiks. After they disappeared, I looked out and in the distance I saw 5 giraffes slowly making their way across the horizon. I stood to see them better. As I watched their stately movement, suddenly lightning cracked the sky. A few seconds later, the thunder rolled across the savannah and rumbled past me. I thought to myself, "Okay, God. Now you're just showing off."

1 comment:

Chris E W Green said...


Beautiful. And you're exactly right, I think. That's precisely what God was doing. Unfortunately, not everyone can see that all the time. At least not yet!