Thursday, February 19, 2009


In the past week I have learned of four marriages which are in trouble. Each of these marriages involve long time believers. This saddens and angers me, but most of all it scares me to death. If these marriages could be compromised, mine could just as easily. I have been praying earnestly for these four families. But I have also been identifying the areas of weakness I have and taking steps to guard against failure on my part.

I have breakfast each Tuesday with two close friends and we have committed to ask one another a direct question each week. We will ask, "Have you spent anytime doing anything that you shouldn't have been doing this week?" We have committed to honesty in the answer and to confidentiality in our response. This accountability is designed to allow us to show our flaws without judgement or fear, so that we can pray for one another and lend strength to one another.

Also, just one word of advice- Anyone, no matter how nice, understanding, hot, or whatever excuse you use, who would encourage you to disregard your marriage vows, is not a good person.

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