Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I haven't seen George Clooney

(This post was written prior to my departure)

The troubles in Sudan have been talked about, particularly in the Darfur region, where several celebrities have visited refugee areas. The conflict has caused thousands to be killed and raped, similar to the genocide in Rwanda a few years ago. There is also a major mess going on the the Congo, which is not being talked about much at all, even though I have received reports that the killing there will most likely eclipse both Sudan and Rwanda.

It is easy to dismiss the difficulties in Africa because they are so far away, and unless celebrities go with their entourages and photographers, it doesn't make the evening news. Devon Corporation has a great advertising theme going on now, saying, "If integrity were celebrity, our employees would be stars" or something close to that.

But we have our own stars. They are the career missionaries who are on the ground day in and day out in these troubled areas. They are sharing the message of hope and compassion and doing what they can to help. Let us always be faithful to pray for them and support them financially.

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