Monday, June 7, 2010

Which one is best?

I began daily Bible reading back in 1991 and have kept it up ever since. It has become a part of my day that I really don't want to do without. Over the course of the nearly 20 years of daily reading, I have read the Bible through more than 15 times and in 7 different translations. I am currently reading it through in the English Standard Version.
I'm not saying any of this to brag; I'm saying this so you will understand the point I try to make about Bible translations. I have gained great comfort in reading these different translations because I find that different scholars in different eras have gone to the same texts and have translated essentially the same story. I will never be able to read Greek, Hebrew, or Aramaic, so I have to trust in the pure motives of scholars I will never meet to translate accurately. When I see that I am led to the same God in the same way in translations as varied as the King James and the Message, I take comfort that the translations are accurate in conveying the story of God's love for mankind and Jesus' substituionary death and resurrection.
I hear people champion different versions and it's fine to have a favorite. I have one version I prefer to read, a different one I prefer to study from, and another one I prefer to preach from. It is true when people say that the best translation is the one that you will actually read. Get started today if you don't currently do daily Bible reading. You'll be the better for it.

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