Friday, July 18, 2008

Off Again!

Saturday Carole, Pastor Trent and I leave for El Salvador with some of the most incredible young people in the universe for a short-term mission with my good friends at Convoy of Hope. When we get off the plane we will be greeted by Matt Wilkie and Rick Ryan, who work at Convoy, and we will also be greeted by Allison, sister of Bethany and valued member of our youth group.

It will be hot, humid, and awesome! For most of the young people, it will be their first international experience and for at least one, it will be the first airplane ride. They will return realizing that they serve a much bigger God than they ever realized. They will make new friends, be in a minority situation language-wise, see new things, and experience new things.

Please be in prayer for our effectiveness in ministry and that we will have our receptors tuned so we can be sensitive to the God-moments that occur on trips such as these.

Oh yeah, the parents want you to pray for safe return.

I will try to post from El Salvador, depending on the availability of internet access.

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