I visited with a friend the other day. As long as I have known him, he has desired to live a life pleasing to God. For years he was successful in business and he attributed his success to God-given business acumen and the blessings of God. A few years ago, however, he experienced some reversals, broken relationships with business partners and financial disaster. He is now in bankruptcy.
Did God withdraw His blessing on my friend? It depends on your definition of God's blessing. If blessing means uninterrupted bliss and prosperity, then yes, obviously he is not being blessed in that way. But if blessing means resting in the knowledge that Christ died to forgive sins and give eternal life, knowing that the peace of God which surpasses knowledge will sustain, knowing that God will supply all our needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus, knowing that His grace is sufficient, and knowing that if we seek His kingdom and His righteousness everything we need will be supplied to us, then he is as blessed as ever.
One day, one event, one season; any of these can change our life. No day, no event, no season can ruin our life if we rest in our relationship with God. He never leaves us, never forsakes us, never lets us out of His sight, and never allows anything that we cannot survive. That is not a slogan or a trite saying. That is Truth. Gritty, strong truth you can live with when times are tough.