Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Catalyst Week 5

This week in the Catalyst School of Ministry we will discuss the question, "Don't all religions lead to God?" I know that at times I have struggled with questions such as, "Am I a Christian because I grew up in a Christian home, or because Christianity is true?" And, "Is it fair that some half-hearted Christians will get eternal life while passionate and sincere Hindus won't?" Well, we won't be able to get to the depths of any of these questions in a 45 minute session, but we will hopefully encourage progress in your thought process which will continue after the in-class discussion.

Also, the collateral reading assignment in Wild Goose Chase is chapter 4, Eight-Foot Ceilings, Coming out of the cage of assumptions. In it was one of the core values of the church where Mark Batterson serves. That value is, "It's never too late to become who you might have been." That is encouraging to me, a middle-aged guy who is still wondering what I will be when I grow up. I have had several careers already and suspect that I still have one or two more in me. But when I get antsy and begin to think maybe it's too late to find what I want to do for the rest of my life, I remember that Abram fathered a nation beginning at 99. I think of Caleb, who, when he came to the end of his role as one who led the children of Israel to occupy the promised land, asked for the hill country for his inheiritance because he felt he still had new territory to explore.

Keep on keeping on. Retirement isn't mentioned in the Bible. See you Wednesday night.

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