Friday, November 7, 2008

No Surprise Here

I am currently reading a book by Eugene Peterson called The Jesus Way. Although I am only about a third of the way through it I have already noted many thought provoking ideas in it. Peterson spends a great time of the early part of the book in the account of Abraham's commitment to sacrifice Isaac and the subsequent God-ordered supply of a substitutionary sacrifice. Even though I have read this story dozens of times and heard countless sermons about this story, I continue to find fresh meaning as I read and re-read this account.

Peterson says, "Still, even after many years of reading this story I am surprised to find myself surprised. I am surprised that Abraham, Isaac bound and knife raised, is not surprised to hear the voice tell him that there is a ram in the thicket. And Isaac is not surprised to end up not sacrificed. Not a word in the narrative indicates anything like surprise. Not a word of surprise, not a single emotion of surprise in the story as written. Why am I surprised and Abraham and Isaac are not?"

The answer is at the same time obvious and incredibly complicated, and beyond my ability to explain within the confines of this post. But it makes me increasingly hungry for a relationship with God that expects His involvement instead of being surprised when I see evidence of His involvement.

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