Monday, November 3, 2008

Election Day

Back in February, when this whole election campaign was just getting into full swing I committed to support and pray for whoever was elected for president. At that time we didn't know who the democratic or republican nominees would be. I just want to reconfirm my stance. Whoever the president is needs the support of all christians. We are in perilous times as a nation, and we can't take the luxury of being petty. Even though the election percentages may be nearly evenly divided, we must support our leaders with our prayers for wisdom, discernment and protection.

Who is God's candidate? Both of them. God loves both of them equally and Christ died for the sins of both. As much as we would like to see any election as a clear-cut choice between good and evil, we will never have that choice. Both candidates are men of intelligence and ambition. Both shine in some areas and are lacking in others.

These may be perilous times for the US, but not for the church. The Church is still the Church regardless of who is president. God is not up for election. Our first allegiance is to seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. If every elected official in the US was a tongue speaking pentecostal and every law passed aligned perfectly with the Word of God, the heart of mankind would still be desperately wicked and we would need a Savior. We saw that Israel was governed by laws written by the actual hand of God and still they acted badly. It took a savior; that perfect sacrifice for sin to restore them. We still need that savior today.

If the US government is friendly or hostile to the church, it really doesn't matter. God is still in charge. We are still called to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations. God will still supply all our needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus.

Go and vote. Then give your unflinching prayer support to whoever is elected. He's gonna need it.

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