Friday, September 19, 2008

What do I do with this stuff? Cont'd

As I said in the previous post, I am not planning a garage sale to sell all that I have. That is not because I am rebellious, and I don't think it is because I love my stuff more than God. I just want to do right. I think the reality of this is subtly direct. There is nothing inherently wrong with having stuff as long as we recognize that everything we have belongs to God. This is where it can get sticky. We can say that our house, car, church building, etc. belongs to God for Him to use in whatever way He seems fit, but if we don't use them in ways that might seem messsy or inconvenient to us, are we really living the way we are professing? How do we live in such a way that we use things entrusted to us as an answer without seeing them as the answer?

It is the same tension that we see in so many things. We are saved, but our salvation is not complete until we leave this life and are in heaven. We are more than overcomers, but we are still engaged in the battle with sin. By His stripes we were healed, but we still struggle with disease.

As I grow in the Lord I see fewer and fewer areas where I can look at an issue and see it as totally and easily black or white, even as my faith and trust in the absolute truth of God and His word grows stronger and stronger. If that seems to be as contradictory as the subtly direct reference I made earlier, I'm sorry. I may never get it completely figured out on this side of life, but I am loving the depth of the journey.

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