Tuesday, August 30, 2011

OK, maybe I AM all that

I am sitting in the All About Cha coffee shop in Edmond. I had about an hour before a lunch meeting across the street, and I have seen this place but have never had the opportunity to try it out. There is always some reading that I need to do, so I thought I would pull in and have a cup while reading. The atmosphere in the place is great. Airy and contemporary with an Asian feel, just being in here makes me feel cooler than I really am. (And after all, isn't that what we're all after?)

I am reading a commentary on Colossians written by N.T. Wright in preparation for a series I plan to share probably in January. N.T. Wright is one of the most readable theologians who is writing today. I came across a line I thought was very good.

When the lavish and generous beauty of the world makes you catch your breath, remember that it is like that because of Jesus.

Out of habit I reached for my phone to tweet that, but I feared that it might exceed the character limit. I could have done it on Facebook, but a thought struck me. I am in here with my new MacBook in my backpack case slung casually over one shoulder. I can be one of those people who sit in coffee shops and work for hours on their laptop doing all sorts of world changing things. Suddenly I was overcome with the overwhelming urge to get some leather flip flops and grow a soul patch.

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