Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Withdrawl Symptoms

This Sunday will be the first Sunday morning service at Living Water Church that I have missed since Carole and I were call here last November and I am already suffering withdrawl symptons. Carole and I are leaving on Friday for Arizona for General Council, which is the national meeting of Assembly of God ministers and is held every other year. We are leaving a couple of days before it begins so we can enjoy a couple of days at the Grand Canyon, which is one of our favorite places on earth. I am looking forward to spending some uninterrupted time with Carole, who is my favorite person on earth, and I'm looking forward to hearing what the leadership of the A/G will have to say concerning the future of our movement. I am expecting to come back refreshed and enthused after hearing new ideas and enjoying wonderful worship services each day.

But I am still having withdrawl symptoms from Living Water. God has been working an amazing transformation in me since I began this journey in Guthrie. I see the seeds of fresh momentum beginning to germinate in our church and I love what God has been doing in our Sunday services. I don't want to miss one minute of this fresh, new and exciting season. I have complete confidence in Scott and believe that he will bring a powerful word. I don't have any fear that any uprisings will occur or that the church will suffer in my absence. I just like being at LWC. I don't like missing. I'm going to enjoy myself while I'm gone, but I will be really happy to get back!


dsalley said...

listen hear my Pastor respectfully,
You and Your honey enjoy your time away. We will miss you. You are an image of GOD and we can see HIM in you. Cant wait to hear about your trip and all the news. I love the Grand Canyon someday I would love to go back and see it again. Its on my bucket list. lol. but really you both enjoy, we will miss you more anyway. Give a yell of Praise and Worship for me in the Grand Canyon so you can hear yourself over and over. that I never have gotten to do there before. but when I do get to I will Thank GOD so much for never leaving me nor forsaking me so I can hear it over and over. HIS promises are yes and AMEN!
Love you Both

Beth Carter said...

Pastor Randy & Carole,

A good pastor friend of mine used to say that a trip away from the church was an excellent time to refresh, renew and re-energize. And quite often he found that things discovered on the trip were exactly what he needed when he returned home.

Enjoy yourselves and keep an eye open for those re-energizing moments.