Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snowstorm Reading

I am taking advantage of the downtime caused by Snowmaggeddon 2011 by doing a lot of reading. I am really enjoying it. I am currently reading Mark Batterson's latest book, "Soulprint". I may be enjoying it more than any of the previous books he has written. Here is a quote from it:

Most of our prayers revolve around God's changing our circumstances, but God doesn't always want to change our circumstances. He wants to use those circumstances to change us! And it starts with breaking the strongholds in our lives. The good news is that God always heals what He breaks. And much as with the human body's natural healing properties, the broken spirit will be stronger after the break than it was before.
Enjoy your snow day. I don't like snow, but I really like days where I get to do a lot of uninterrupted reading.

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