Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Call

Samuel was awakened in the middle of the night by the voice of God. Moses saw a burning bush. David was brought in from the field to anointed as king. All of these men were called by God. They are all great stories. And we act as though they give us permission not to do anything of significance because nothing like that has happened to us.

There are many questions concerning "The Call". We assume that if we are "called" we have to stop what we are doing and go to Bible college. Then we have to buy a dark suit and start trying out for churches. In reality, the call of God comes many different ways and takes on many different forms.

This Sunday night in our small groups, we will all watch a 12 minute video interview of several members of our missionary family. In these interviews we will see that none of them have "traditional" ministries. None are pastors and none are crusade evangelists. They teach English, build water filters and teach sustainable farming, help rescue victims of human trafficking, and serve as wandering storytellers. None of them had a dramatic "called" event. Each of them followed a desire to help in areas where they saw a need.

The question is not, "Am I called?". The question is "Where am I called?". It probably won't be in a remote jungle, but it might. But that desire you have to do something to help in an area of need, whether it is on your own block or on the other side of the world, just might be "The Call".

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