Colossians 4:2- When I was a boy, my brother and I pestered Dad for months until he bought us a minibike. We stood in the store as Dad made the deal. 3.5 horses of motorized freedom and adventure sat gleaming on that showroom floor. But Dad didn't have a truck, so he arranged for it to be delivered to the house later in the afternoon. Ryan and I were distraught at the knowledge that we owned a minibike but were not able to possess it. We hurriedly ate our lunches and stood in the front yard watching the street and waited for the delivery truck to appear. After what seemed like years, the truck appeared, the minibike was unloaded, the delivery papers were signed, and suddenly we possessed what we had been wanting for months. It was as great as we had imagined. I learned how to service a small engine, maintain chains and cables, and how to clean carburetors. We got many hours of enjoyment out of that minibike. Dad saw us use, maintain and appreciate the value of that minibike. Yes, we told him thanks, but he saw that we reality of our thankfulness by the attention and care we gave the gift he gave to us.
When we pray, are we praying with a watchful eye that believes that the promise God makes will be come true? And when we receive the promise; that answer to our prayer, what is our response? Will God see us live a life of appreciation for what He has done for us?
Let's make sure that in our prayers we are both watchful and thankful.
Pray? why do we Pray? because we are in need. Why are we in need if you believe God? God SAID: HE would supply all of our needs according to HIS riches and Glory!.
I agree, when you Pray ask so the Lord knows what you are asking for and He will know you are coming to HIM for it!. So if you believe, what you Pray for, beieve it and receive it! I agree also stay watchful for the manisfestation of your promise from God. Your answers from God's will is a promise that your Prayers will be yes and Amen.
It would be good to look in the Word and find our what all God's promises are just to refresh your mind, heart and your soul. It does help in your every day life. You can't live with out Him. If you want eternal life seek Him, and you shall find what you have been looking for all of your days. Seek Him, you will find Him.
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