Sunday, October 30, 2011

Bless Me!

1 Chronicles 4:10  The Prayer of Jabez, a little book written several years ago by Bruce Wilkinson caused many in Christian circles to talk about Jabez for the first time. Hidden in a long genealogical record, Jabez stands out because he prays for a blessed life and increased influence. The book was very nicely written. Nothing wrong with the book. But, as with most things church-related, there were errors and extremes involved in the application of this short prayer. Some advocated the continual word for word reciting of this prayer as a way to unlock health, wealth and influence in the life of anyone who would participate. If it really worked like that, wouldn't someone have discovered this magic incantation centuries ago? And where are all the influential millionaires who bought into the plan?

We should pray for God to bless us. But the blessings of God may look much different than a bloated checkbook balance. He may bless us to be able to have influence in our middle class neighborhood. He may bless us to have influence in a child's life. Godliness with contentment is great gain. Being in right relationship with God is the greatest blessing of them all.

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