Monday, October 4, 2010

It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Today I went for a walk. No need to alert the media. I walk often. But walking in the fall is the best walking of the year. I am beginning the process of regaining my endurance after a hot summer and surgery put me out of commission for a while. Today's walk at the Lake Hefner trails was so pleasant. I am not ready to circumnavigate the entire lake, yet, but I'm gaining on it.This has been a bi-polar week; a mix of good and not so good. In the past week, I have learned of illness being suffered by several friends. Some of the illnesses are nagging and painful and some of the illnesses are life-threatening. Some close to me have lost precious loved ones and are dealing with a new void in their family circle. I have also had conversations that have me giddy with excitement and anticipation about what God is doing and the crazy ways He goes about His business. I do some of my best praying while on these long walks, and today it was really good. I don't do anything demonstrative on these walks. No arm waving or any gestures that would make passers-by avoid eye contact with the crazy guy. But for most of my walk today I had a steady stream of tears. My sleeves were drenched as I tried to stay ahead of the flow so I could smile and greet others who were on the trail. As I carried heavy needs to the Lord, I was reminded that many others were also presenting these needs, so it didn't all rest on me. I'm not carrying these needs by myself. As I brought my praises to Him, I felt especially singled out for an outpouring of His love. I hated for it to end. A beautiful early fall mid-day walk. The sun was bright, and the wind was slight. I was talking with the great Creator in the midst of His creation. It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

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