Friday, May 2, 2008

Rewarded with more work

In the parable of the talents (Matt. 25:14-30) I have noticed a few things.
1.The guys who were put in charge of the talents didn't own them. The owner did. They were entrusted with them in the assumption that the talents would be put to work so that they could increase. There was no understanding that the stewards would ever own the talents.
2.The guys who doubled the value of their talents had to put them at risk in order to grow them. They weren't risking their own possessions; only the possessions of the owner.
3. The guy who didn't risk was the one who was punished. Protecting the talent and keeping it in its original condition was not an acceptable outcome for the owner. He expected increase, even if it was small. Protection of the talent was seen as a punishable offense. Risk was rewarded.
4. The story tells only of risk and increase that resulted in reward vs. safety and protection that resulted in punishment. There was not a steward who risked and lost.
5. The reward for being a good steward of the owner's resources was more responsibility (i.e. more work).

I'll begin to apply these thoughts tomorrow.

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