Saturday, May 24, 2008

Big Trust/Big God

We have three large initiatives currently underway at Lakeside. Lakeside MAPS is seeking to raise $250,000. Kenya Connection has $50,000 as its goal, and the Freedom Fest is looking for sponsors to underwrite some $25,000 to do all that is on our heart to do. When these are done, there will be other projects to take their place. We will never be finished until the return of Christ.

At times I am intimidated by the size of these amounts. I am tempted to shout, "Enough!" Our congregation can only handle so much! And, in actuality, I am correct. There is an amount that I can give and then there is no more. You are in the same boat.

But, as our weekly profession of faith says, "My God will supply all of Lakeside's needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus, amen." The question has never been, "Can we afford it?" The question has always been, "Is this what God is calling us to do?" In the Sermon on the Mount, Christ told us about the lillies. He said that if He is concerned about a beautiful flower that may never be seen and has a life span of just a few days, how much more concern does He have for us who love Him? So, He says, make His kingdom our top concern and He will take care of our earthly needs.

I am blessed by the faith progress that Lakeside has made in the past couple of years. Two years ago this month we were behind on our bills by more than $75,000. We trusted God and He delivered. In six months He provided the means to get current on all our bills, and we have been current ever since. I am blessed that we can now look outward and prepare for the future.

Each of us can do our part to be a conduit of God's blessings. I'm not talking about prosperity gospel. I'm talking about the biblical principle of sowing and reaping. God is as big as we will let Him be. If we trust Him to be big, He will be big. If we have small trust, we get a small god.

Let's trust Him to be big and see more things than we can even imagine.

1 comment:

mjalfaro said...

I serve a BIG God!!!! And He is more than capable of BIG things and providing in a BIG way!!! HE is the God of abundance when we trust Him and obey! :)