Friday, February 17, 2012

Jesus of the Scars

“Jesus of the Scars”
by Edward Shillito
If we have never sought you, we seek you now; 
Your eyes burn through the dark, our only stars; 
We must have sight of thorn-marks on your brow, 
We must have you, O Jesus of the scars.
The heavens frighten us; they are too calm; 
In all the universe we have no place.
Our wounds are hurting us; where is the balm? 

Lord Jesus, by your scars we know your grace.
If, when the doors are shut, you then draw near, 
Only reveal those bloodied feet and hands 
We know today what wounds are, have no fear; 
Show us your scars, we know you understand
The other gods were strong; but you were weak; 
They rode, but Jesus stumbled to a throne; 
But to our wounds only God’s wounds can speak, 
And not a god has wounds, but You alone.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Scammers and benevolence

I just had a talk with a guy who came by the church. I knew before the end of the greeting that this was a guy who wanted some "help", meaning cash. As be began his story I was tempted to finish it for him because it is one I have heard several times over the past 5 years. Traveling from (fill in the blank any city at least 200 miles away) to (name another town at least 100 miles away), he encountered car trouble. He had the money to buy the part but it took all his cash and maxed out his credit card. In his hand he had a receipt from AutoZone for the part and the maxed out credit card for proof. His "half sister" was in the car and they had to make tracks because their dad was in bad shape. I have heard this story many times. I have seen the receipt. The trouble is, the receipt isn't a receipt at all. It is a quotation for the price of a part. Some of the guys will ask for you to pay for the part. The part is never located in the parts store close by, so just give him some cash and he'll get out of your way. There is no way to verify any of the story. I did what I usually do. I offered to follow him to the gas station across the street and buy some gas. If he'd said he needed money for food I'd offer to follow him to Homeland and buy some food. I seldom get taken up on those offers. He said he had enough gas to get where he was going but was worried about the trip back. I told him I could put some gas in his car but nothing else. He left.

The thing that aggravates me about this kind of scam is that it causes people to think that everything is a scam and validates their decision not to help anyone that they don't know personally. I have fallen for several of these over the years; at rest stops on the highway, in department store parking lots, and at church. I don't like being someone who mistrusts others. I don't like to dehumanize someone by refusing to make eye contact with them. I don't like having to make snap judgments about someone's character. Today was easy. I knew the scam and didn't participate. But so many times I really don't know how to respond. I don't want to miss an opportunity to help because I have allowed scammers make me hard and untrusting. I always think of the scripture in Hebrews 13:2 that says, "Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have entertained angels without knowing it." I would rather be too trusting and get taken than to get calloused and miss the chance to entertain someone Christ put in my path.