Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Pretty Good Week

I don't get many weeks like this one and that's too bad. This week has allowed me to cross many things off of my "gotta get it done" list. Several of those things have been on the list quite a while. In addition, it seems as though each of these things have been completed at minimal expense!

We got a report that our home A/C unit had gone out and would have to be replaced. The final report was that there was a problem with the electrical service and OG&E fixed it.

At church I was getting the fire extinguishers tested because they had all expired. The first report was that I would have to buy a new extinguisher to replace one which was too old to continue to use. Later I found a newer one hidden in a closet, so I didn't have to buy one. Now all fire extinguishers are current.

Finally the internet is functioning in the church again, and all network functions are restored. This took nearly a month to get done.

The material list for the ceiling and lighting for the E-zone has been submitted. I have compiled the cost to get that done and will begin to purchase materials next week.

None of these are huge, but it is incredibly energizing to cross these projects off the list. Now there is plenty of room to add new projects.

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